Before you place an order, read our terms and conditions:

Once we have received a request from you that you want to purchase a product, we will contact you to further specify all the details of your request.

Delivery is made only upon confirmation by the customer.

All requests received after 17:00 will be processed the next day.
All requests from Sunday will be processed on Monday.

All prices include VAT.


Delivery deadlines and production deadlines
The delivery period is between 1-5 working days depending on the settlement, if the goods are available in stock. For products that are not available in stock or products under an individual project, the implementation period is 20-30 working days, depending on the workload.

Delivery is made at the expense of the customer.

Payment method

By bank transfer. When you use this payment method, we will send your order as soon as we receive a 50 or 100% advance on the amount of your order.

If you have any queries you can email us: or call: +359878 388 625.